
Topografische kaart Pitigliano

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Over deze kaart

Naam: Topografische kaart Pitigliano, hoogte, reliëf.

Locatie: Pitigliano, Unione di Comuni Montani Colline del Fiora, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy (42.55700 11.55620 42.66287 11.79721)

Gemiddelde hoogte: 331 m

Minimale hoogte: 98 m

Maximale hoogte: 620 m

The municipality area of Pitigliano, while presenting different local situations on the basis of 'topography is characterized by rather low winter temperatures, which can occur during prolonged periods, despite the daily maximum values are often pleasing. On the contrary, in summer the heat can be very intense, though usually accompanied by low Relative humidity.